Friday, 28 June 2013

"and some day this morning would just be a memory"

This is one of my favourite quotes from The Alchemist. It is a fable which takes you on the journey of life, in reaching your ultimate goal.

I find it inspiring because it encourages the idea that what is valuable isn't achieving your goal, but all that it took you to achieve it. It also teaches that in realising ourselves, we can find what we're truly looking for.

"and some day this morning would just be a memory"

I think this line explores a key paradox of life; it is timeless in the way that this moment will always exist, and is crucial to what is to follow, yet like most moments in our lives, will swiftly be forgotten as if it had never existed in the first place. It suggests to me that whatever happiness or hardship you're going through, one day it will just be a memory, nothing more. It gives you the perspective that you don't yet have, to keep going, because there is more to your story that awaits you.