Friday, 20 March 2015

exploration into tapestry

Inspired by Mark Khaisman, I tried out parcel tape on plastic as a new medium for representation, playing with light and transparency.

the health of our spirits

our bodies die 
our minds are lost 
only our spirit survives

feed the hungry

Sunday, 8 March 2015


Love is enough, a show curated for Modern Art Oxford, attempts to draw parallels between two seemingly unrelated artists of different eras and worlds, Andy Warhol and William Morris.

Intrigued, I had to see this for myself. I couldn't comprehend the two personalities together.

There is a running theme of 'tapestry' and printing, both artists were printmakers, one of the silkscreen, the other wood blocks, and both believed, for different reasons, that art should belong in the everyday, using the process of making art itself as a way to mass produce their work.

Whilst Morris became decidedly a socialist with his inherent beliefs in the making and enjoyment of art for all people, Warhol believed in 'Commonism' bringing his work into popularity through the masses, on his lifelong quest for fame.

Other than by trade, the two artists don't really co-ordinate, however, it is useful sometimes to contemplate the ridiculous, in order to provoke thoughts and generate ideas.... In this sense, this show really worked.